Enquiry Number: +91-9812599472 | Online Admission
The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has recognized the Morni Community College as the recognized institute for the recruitment in Haryana Fire and Emergency Services department. Admission start in June and December every year. 100% Placements in Reputed Organization.
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Fire Tech & Safety Management Course

Fire Tech & Safety Management Course as a career option is fast catching up with the students in India. Whereas in abroad, Safety is an integral part of most of university programs. It is in fact an index of industrial growth. A rough assessment of the Industrial & Government demand puts the requirement at over 12,000 Safety personnel every year.

Safety Engineering is a field to which all aspects of Science & Technical knowledge pertaining to Fire & Safety is linked. It involves study of subjects that deals with the designing of safer fire resistant equipments and plants; its hazards and control measures in various associated engineering subjects; Managerial functions which aid in managing a fire fighting along with other psychological grooming required to make a self reliant Fire Safety Engineer/Construction Safety Officer/Environment Officer.

Safety is simple ABC- Always Be Careful. Safety is everyone's responsibility